Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Victory on the chessboard

Militarily, the stalemate between Azerbaijan may Armenia continues, but Azerbaijan was yesterday celebrating a victory over Armenia in the World Chess Championships.

Congratulations to Vugar Heshimov (2759), Teymur Recebov (2733), Shehriyar Memmedov (2741), Rauf Memmedov (2640), Qedir Huseynov (2614) and Nicat Memmedov (2610), members of the Azerbaijani chess team.

The games are being played in Bursa, Turkey.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what Karabakh has to do with the chess?! last several games b/w two teams were won by Armenians (Olympiads, World Cup etc.) - but I hardly noticed a note linking the sport victory to political situation...